Thursday, March 3, 2011

The First Few Days (in HI)

After a heartwarming departure with my dad, Anna's family, and the Shehy's from Kirby Woods, we took a 3 & 1/2 hour plane ride from Memphis to Phoenix, AZ. After a 45 minute layover wait (just enough time to grab a Quizznos sub, use the restroom, and locate our next flight) we flew across the ocean for 7 hours to our first major destination: Lihue, Kauai. Fortunate for us, we actually made the second flight! We thought we arrived to the waiting area early, because there weren't any other passengers around. It turns out that the rest of them had already boarded the plane! Fortunately, our names were called over the loudspeaker and we still made the flight.

Before even arriving at the gorgeous island, I took several pictures out the window of the plane as Anna and I gasped at the beauty that surrounded us. We even saw a giant rainbow gracing the surface of the water! Tyla greeted us at the entrance to the Lihue airport in a white minivan and we drove (myself, snapping pics most of the way) to their humble abode. I would describe the neighborhood as "adorable" as all of the houses have what appear to be mini palm trees in their front yards. That night we settled in and went to bed around 8:30 (we were tired!) and waking the next morning around 7:30 to the delicious smell of Mr. Doug Kozub's (aka: Doug, as he insists to be called) amazing omelette's.

After breakfast Anna and I went for a 50-minute walk with Her Aunt Tyla Kozub. It was beautiful! The greens here really are greener. ;) She told us about the different islands and some of the jobs that she and Doug have running the New Hope Lihue church that they started 8 years ago this coming Sunday. There is a significant demonic influence among people in the Hawaiian islands and Tyla often prays over people struggling with the paralyzing fear from an evil spirit. After finishing our walk, we drove back to the house. Anna and I grabbed a few school books to finish off the morning right by studying on the beach.

Kalapachi beach is just outside the Mariott Hotel and is open to the public! (as are all the beaches on the Hawaiian islands - awesome, right?) We found a wonderful grassy place to relax, study, and get a little bit of sun. After a couple hours, we walked over to a tourist shop where Anna bought a pink wrap skirt and we shared a delish "Blue Hawaiian" snow cone. Upon being picked up by Tyla/Aunt Tyla we returned to the house to finish some more school work and eat a yummy lasagna dinner with Grandma Crumpley, Doug, Tyla, and their awesome kids: Kayla, Kathleen, and Zach. What started off as a jam packed day didn't slow down until after getting supplies at the local mall and wal-mart, and passing my PartyLite Candle fundraising order form along to Rhonda Cabello (another member of the team).

Various calls and texts from family and friends have been coming in sporatically - and we hope to keep recieving them before Saturday! - when we depart for India and won't have cell service. Lots of prayers for functioning technology would be greatly appreciated. Mrs. Crumpley's computer, expecially - since Anna and I will have to send in homework assignments online even while in India.

Today (Thursday) started off with a plan to visit three of Kauai's most beautiful beaches. Unfortunately a rain storm, that has lasted about 4 hours already. washed out our plans. I'm alright with it though. It's giving us more time to complete homework and go over the schedule for India. We hope to see the beaches either tomorrow or when we return to HI after India before heading back to the mainland. This week, although we get to see and explore beautiful places, is mostly for planning all the activites that we'll be organizing for the orphan children in Chennai and packing, purchasing more supplies, and repacking some more. Much planning has to be done to help the upcoming days be successful.

On to cramming in the rest of my psychology chapter, cutting a speech for a tournament, and doing a couple more math lessons before bed. By the way... if you're wondering about the time difference... we are 4 hours behind central time right now. Almost 1 o'clock here is almost 4pm there. Please continue to pray for the children in the boy's and girl's orphanages and the school's we'll be visiting. Pray for good communication among the team and with those to whom we'll be teaching and witnessing.


  1. Praying for you! Keep updating!! :)

  2. Thanks for the post, Kelsy. Love you, Mom.
